Archers bows and rabbit holes.

The art of movie trailers. Even if the final product turns out to be worse than Pearl Harbor, you can guarantee that the two minute, perfectly edited trailer will get you raring to go. Showing you just enough to leave you wanting more, in some cases the trailers end up being more satisfying than the actual film.

The same might be true for these two up coming movies, only time will tell, but for now enjoy their newly released trailers. After all, they may be the best bit.

Alice in Wonderland.

News regarding Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland has made a couple of appearances on Ireviewtoo (Follow the White Rabbit for more information) so i wont go into too much detail plot wise.

Released today, the new trailer gives us a glimpse of Alice on the verge of marriage and in need of an escape. Alice runs into the past to avoid her future and returns to a world she thought she had forgotten. Check it out below.

Alice in Wonderland is released on 5th March 2010.

Robin Hood.

Ridley Scott once again teams up with hot headed Aussie Russell Crowe to bring us Robin Hood, the man behind the myth.

Scott's take on the outlaw's familiar tale is grounded very much in reality, and historically accurate, so if you were expecting green tights, sorry to disappoint. The action-packed trailer conjures up images of Gladiator, suggesting that this could be similar tale of one mans struggles against higher powers.

Co starring Cate Blanchett as Maid Marian, William Hurt as Sir William Marshall (he actually existed in Robin Hood-y times don't ya know) and the soon to be nemesis of Sherlock Holmes Mark Strong as Sir Godfrey, Robin Hood will no doubt be stealing box office gold come May 14th 2010.

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